Cannot access file explorer update#
Microsoft fixes Bluetooth issue causing Windows blue screensĪ problem caused by Microsoft's January update has now been patched. Snap! MS Bluetooth Fix, E-mail Threats, Security Jobs, Mars Sounds, GIF Creator Spiceworks Originals.But some of our members may not, so let's give a little hist.
Let's wish SpiceRex a very happy birthday as he turns 12! Spiceworksīelieve it or not, SpiceRex turns 12 on March 27, 2022! For those of you who have been in the Spiceworks Community for a while, you probably already know who the big orange Tyrannosaurus rex is.Recently I've started using a VPN on some of my devices as one way to implement better personal computing practices.But, it seems that some accounts I log into are used to me logging in from one of 2 or 3 IP addresses - so when I attempt to log in while u. Are there security disadvantages to using a VPN? Security.The other posts in this thread point to potential solutions that display a bit more finesse if that is something that you need. It is the sledgehammer approach that removes the problem instead of finding its root cause, but I had the resources available to me that allowed me to do that. The FSMO roles may have just been coincidental in the grand scheme of things. My "solution" basically was removing the domain controller that was deemed to be the problem from our environment. As you can see in this thread, others have resolved this problem via correcting dns, time sync, or credential manager issues. Sadly, I didn't dig deeper into the problem after that because the server was scheduled for decommission anyway and everything was happy. The problem stopped occurring after we transferred the roles to another domain controller and decommissioned the offending server. In my case, we had a domain controller running Microsoft Server 2003 that held the FSMO roles for our active directory environment that decided to die a slow death. The result is posted below.Ĭ:\Users\username>nbtstat -A I checked NetBIOS with the nbtstat command. What DNS is being used at remote site? If remote site computers are using ISP for DNS, then maybe upon logon the remote computers load the local DNS names but Windows refreshes this list. Is the remote site a VPN? I had to enable NetBIOS across our VPN to remote site in order for remote site to find local site servers by network neighborhood.
It sounds like the DNS is not keeping current to the remote site.